When you give a one-time or monthly gift of $30,
you will be helping people find hope and rebuild their lives.
How will you make this holiday season matter?
Every day, we are consumed by trivial matters…the next TikTok dance, the controversy of a Tweet, or another new celebrity relationship. Instead of spending our time on such matters, why not invest in something that truly matters this holiday season?
At the Dream Center, $30 will matter to a single mom struggling to feed her kids, or an unhoused person looking for shelter each day, or an individual battling addiction, desperate for a second chance.
Tap the icons below to see how you can make $30 matter.
Your $30 matters to:
Former Transitional Housing for Families Resident
After years of addiction, crime, and brokenness, Marie finally made the courageous choice to change her life for the better. Find out how your $30 can make this possible for women like Marie.
Recovery Program Graduate
After years of exposure to drugs and neglect, Andres fell into a lifestyle of violence and addiction. Check out how your $30 can empower individuals like Andres.
Mobile Food Bank Beneficiary
With very little support and severe health issues, Doris shares how she is grateful for the support she receives every week. Learn how your $30 matters to Doris.