He is not here, for He is risen… – Matthew 28:6

With Easter rapidly approaching, we’d like to take a moment to reflect on why we celebrate this special day. Sure, the dyed eggs, candy, and Easter bunny are a nice touch, but the real reason we celebrate the holiday is out of reverence for our Heavenly Father, and the sacrifice His son Jesus made on the cross of Cavalry.

The Easter story is at the heart of the Christian faith. On Good Friday, three days before Easter Sunday, Jesus Christ, the son of God was executed by crucifixion, taking on the burden of the sins of the world out of His great love for you and I. He was then stripped from the cross and buried in a guarded cave, which was sealed shut with a large stone so that no one could steal His body.

Yet three days later on that fateful Sunday, several of Jesus’s followers returned to His tomb. Upon their arrival, to their great dismay, they discovered that the giant stone had been rolled away, and the grave was now empty! An angel of the Lord appeared before them, declaring that Jesus had indeed risen from the dead!

Fear and sadness turned to joy! Then, miraculously, as they were rushing to spread the good news, Lord Jesus appeared before them in all of His glory. When they saw Him with their own eyes, alive, in the flesh, they fell at His feet and worshiped Him!

Sharing the Easter Story with Friends and Family

How awesome is it that while Jesus’s sacrifice on the cross took place nearly 2,000 years ago, He is still very much alive and active today! As Christians, we’re called to share Jesus’s resurrection story and God’s love with those around us. Here are a few tips this Easter to help you spread the gospel to your family, friends, and loved ones, along with some practical advice for keeping your faith strong:

  • Join a life group at Angelus Temple or your home church! Getting together with friends to fellowship and talk about how God is working in our lives is a great way to take our faith to the next level!
  • Go bowling, hit up the batting cages, or check out a cool park with your friends, but while you’re there take some time to share about Jesus and all the amazing stuff He’s doing in your life! You never know, it might open the door to leading a friend or loved one to salvation.
  • Snag a few copies of your favorite children’s bible from the local Christian bookstore or your preferred online retailer, and use them as Easter basket gift items for your young kids and their friends! Then take a moment to read the resurrection story with them!
    Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. – Proverbs 22:6
  • Grab your friends and family and volunteer at the Dream Center! It’s a great opportunity to minister to the underserved members of the Los Angeles community!

The more we become comfortable sharing our faith and love for God with others, the deeper we’re able to take our personal relationship with the Savior. This Easter, do your best to share the Lord’s love with as many people as possible!  

From Death to Life! Recovery at the Dream Center

Every day here at the Dream Center we witness our clients embodying the spirit of the Easter story. When they submit to our intensive recovery programs, they’re making a commitment to die to their destructive past so that they can be reborn again, embarking upon a new life of recovery with the joy of the Lord in their hearts.

This process of recovery is not an easy one. The spiritual, physical, emotional, and mental changes that take place are often painful and heart wrenching. But on the other side of that pain is life, abundance, and freedom. Once our residents do the tough self-work that is required of them, they’re able to take that next step, further developing the life skills needed for sustained future success.

The Dream Center’s Discipleship recovery program, the largest transitional housing program currently offered on our campus, is a one-year long program that allows men and women to overcome any major life-controlling issue that is preventing them from experiencing all God has in store for their future.  

Many of our clients check in worn down from years or even decades of drug addiction, prison time, and/or homelessness. We have individuals battling trauma from physical, mental, and sexual abuse. To watch these clients begin their journey bruised, battered, and broken, seemingly without hope, leave healthy and happy, transformed by the love of God, is one of life’s most humbling blessings.

If you would like to contribute to our vision of changing lives this Easter season, we encourage you to give back by making a donation, which will go directly towards funding our essential recovery programs. God bless, and Happy Easter!

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: 
The old has gone, the new is here! – 2 Corinthians 5:17